Edward Bright

'The fat man of Maldon'

I noticed recently that a small, artificial lawn had been installed in front of the sculpture. I am really not sure what purpose it serves.

Edward Bright 1721,1750

Maldon's famous fat grocer, supposed to be the biggest and weightiest man in the world' died aged 29 on the 10 November 1750 weighing 44 stones (279kg)

I have been told on several occasions about how he was removed from his home after he died and how there were wagers about how many men could fit in his jacket.

There is a Brights path and an Edwards walk and an Edward Bright Close off of the High Street. A lack of imagination with the naming? There are many Brights in Maldon, some who are distant relatives.

The story did not stop me from dropping in the nearby sweet shop.

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