Oh lordy
What a delightful lunch break i had today.
Navigating the barrier into the campsite (slightly odd when heading to a tearoom carpark), we parked the car and enjoyed looking at a time line of the leisure park complete with news headlines and appropriately themed song lyrics ( in the summer time, walking on sunshine and parklife). Having popped into the tearoom to register the car for our 2 hour, free parking slot and 'announce' to all the customers we were about to become their entertainment and swim in the freezing water, right in their view, we headed to the beach.
The tide was high, bojangles was up ended and the plastic seats perfectly placed. Marion was first in as I went back for my thermometer (2 degrees)
We swam outwards for a bit and then towards the beach huts for a bit. The current was strong so before too long we turned back towards our starting point. Marion even managed to chat to a curious dog walker on the wall.
We hastily got our tingly pink bodies back into clothes and headed to the cafe. Our hot drinks arrived just as the fire alarm went off and we all had to assemble outside. Fortunately we were not out there for long and soon we were tucking into fabulously cheesy toasted sandwiches with pepper, samphire and a harissa dip. On adjacent tables there was a stylishly dressed man, dining alone and 2 woman visiting from Romford. Complementing the man on his attire,.we were soon engaged in conversation as he told us that he was a world famous author (exaggerating a little, perhaps) with (i guess, self-assigned) nicknames of 'that rich bastard' and toffee-nosed old git' which he declared he liked equally and a Christian with his own view on God. He left. Marion with his latest book whilst he settled his bill. The ' Romford crew ' then asked us about the book as they had been told slightly less information when they had spoken to him.
Marion and I then chatted about an exciting work project she has coming up, conversations she had had at home and my weekend parkrun plan. We are.bkth looking forward to Palermo next month too.
Marion dropped me back home for another crisis filled afternoon and headed off to the industrial estate for some chicken. Recalling our break makes me feel happy. Thank goodness for the little interludes
I had to include extras today as the reflections and Marion's expression also made me smile.
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