
By Munroist4113

A Rumi poem

This morning I had the other book group over. One had not read the book as she’d got muddled which book we were doing, another only got to p90 and one finished it despite hating it. Shona is away, Alison at the dentist and another person couldn’t make it. Anyway I’d prepared a lot to introduce the book “The Ice age” by Margaret Drabble, a state of the nation novel from the 1970s. So much resonates with today. Recession, firms struggling, energy crisis, housing crisis, NHS crisis, storms, strikes. However 2 of the women had no memory of those times as they were young and having fun. Pat and I were struggling with no money and young children. (There was no childcare available then unless your parents could help so I couldn’t work.). Anyway we did find plenty to discuss although I was the only one who liked it.

I asked Chris if she’d be around today for me to take her birthday present over and she said after 4. I assume she’s out with a friend to lunch so I asked her here her supper. It’s a bit sad to be on your own on your birthday evening especially when it happens on Valentine’s Day.

I’m using up what’s in the fridge as we are away from Friday so I have made a variation of an Anna Jones, a Creamy parsnip, leek and white bean crumble. What a faff. It had better be good.

#3 daughter and I have been a bit teary this week, rather than excited for Nathaniel getting directed in his audition with Danny Boyle. It’s because her big sister was such a film fan and she’d have loved it. #1 daughter never got to know her niece and nephews which is one thing that sets me off and it’s getting near Oscar time which we’d watch together.

Before I cry all over my Blip I’m off to ice Ella’s birthday cake. She’s 12 tomorrow and we are all going to Barluga for our dinner. We’ll hear all about the audition but we know DB wants a northern physically fit boy. Nathaniel is agile and sporty and although born in the north has no accent. He’ll enjoy the experience regardless.

Because it is Valentine’s and I had been looking at my book of Rumi’s poetry that I bought in Iran, here’s one of his poems.

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