Witch Hazel

I had a bad night and decided in the morning I’d phone the surgery to ask for advice. Their machine said not to continue unless you thought your issue was urgent as they were so busy. I didn’t think I was urgent but waited anyway. The receptionist immediately said she’d arrange for the duty GP to phone me which he did an hour later. He said he’d prescribe antibiotics and if I wasn’t improving in a few days to get back to him. I was surprised as they used rarely to give antibiotics and always said just wait and see then go back in a week. However when Adele came in later she said she’d not consulted the GP re her lurgy but then had to go to hospital as she’s succumbed to a kidney infection as well. Then she said a 59 year old friend had had the same chesty thing, not done anything about it till it was pneumonia, then he was in hospital with it and subsequently got sepsis. His funeral was yesterday. I no longer felt guilty for bothering the GP. It seems whatever this thing is it’s not content just to attack the lungs and throat, but is going for kidneys and bowel too. Now I understand why I got the antibiotics so readily.

My little witch hazel plant has survived a year so I’ve taken its photo just to prove it.

I sent birthday wishes to Brother in law today. His woman friend was taking him out to lunch with his daughter who is a teacher in Scotland so on half term. He was happy to report my niece had not gone on strike. I’m sure she will be happy to take the pay rise others have taken the hit for.

We started watched Gold last night.

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