Will you be my...sardine?!

A full morning with the ES coffee morning, then seeing a couple of homeless friends and doing some shopping.
This evening we had tea with Gemma and then headed to the local festival, 'the burial of the sardine'. Always a bit crazy, loads of free freshly grilled sardines (if you're willing to queue), cabaret style music, a glittery fish that ends up being burned at the end of the night and then a band and a party!
Nate enjoyed running round collecting the feathers off the floor that had come from the 'mourners' boas. A late night for the kids! He was also delighted because after the fire was out her found the sardines earring that hadn't burnt, he gave it to Claire who was disproportionately happy with her gift!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Bumping into Danny and a homeless friend this morning. He struggles to be where he says he'll be, so it was good to see he'd managed to make the coffee with Danny today.
2) Nate making a few friends a Valentine's gift this afternoon.
3) Spain and it's wonderful and quirky fiestas. 

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