Blue Jays

The blue jays were sharing the bird pie this morning. I left the feeders out overnight because it was snowing and the blue jays showed up before I cleared off the deck. Just the way the wind knocked the snow off the railing, the birds could sit there and eat the bird pie. The northern flicker and the pine warblers also showed up early, as well as juncos and sparrows. The goldfinches showed up later in the morning.

The guy that has been shoveling my driveway is in Ontario right now, but he sent a friend of his over to clear the driveway. I had told Z that I had to work today, so his friend showed up around 7 am. When I heard him outside, I poked my head out the door and asked him to be sure to brush the snow off the truck too so it could be cleared away. After he left, I looked out an upstairs window and noticed that the aerial on the roof of the truck had been knocked off and was lying on the roof of the truck. Also the guy never bothered to shovel any snow from the front of the truck or along the passenger side. I messaged Z to let him know I wasn't happy. For now, I have not paid him anything. His friend is supposed to come back over to look at the aerial to see if it can be fixed. I think it might just clip on.

Then the neighbor's plow guy left his usual strip of snow across the end of my driveway. While I was out cleaning the rest of the snow from around the truck, one of the neighbors brought his garbage out and he had a shovel with him. He does his own snow and it's the other house who shares the driveway that has it plowed. He was nice enough to clear the strip for me, and said he would mention it to the neighbor.

We started work today at noon and finished at 4:30. Nine hours for a job that we had 16 hours to complete. I told J that I would put in for 6 hours  for each of us, that is still well under the time allowed. Tomorrow we are out of town on a job, we are going to Bridgewater. I know that 4 of us are going, not sure if anyone else is going or not. I should go back thru the emails to see if I can find out how many feet of shampoo we have to do tomorrow.

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