
By reich2hardt

Pretty polish, Nice Nails

Every other Tuesday I treat my nails to polish. It really is a long story, but I will try to be short. I always wanted pretty nails. My mother had nice nails and often I would put pretty polish on them. Her nails were a good shape. I don't why, they just were. Her hands were nice too. I had very thin nails. I always thought my hands were sort of big. I did not think they were pretty. However, I always wanted nice nails with pretty polish. When young I tried to polish my nails and the polish would just peel off and soon they were down to short ugly nails.

Finally after I had raised my children and had almost retired from my last job I discovered Mary Jo and her ability to shape my nails and paint them with pretty polish. So I started having my nails done. Here we are today, treating my nice nails to some pretty polish.

It was kind of tricky to get this picture as I had to hold the camera in my right hand while my left hand was being painted. What a good sport Mary Jo was to let me do this blip.

This is one appointment I never miss.

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