What a day!

Camera kaput
Had a lovely FB call with Nina, a Thai friend who I met in Nai Phlao, but who now lives in Bangkok.
Katrina was 15mins late arriving to do Mum's nails.
Mum & I left CK, collected hubby in Chudleigh then headed off for Teignmouth, stopping off at Jack's Patch for lunch.
Road closed ahead so had to detour up the A380 in order to return down the otherside before joining the Teignmouth slip road. We hit a traffic queue at Bishopsteignton, it took us so long to make any progress that we decided to go straight to Morrison's, & have a snack, before shopping. The journey took us over an hour, so by the time we arrived at Morrison's it was just after 2.30..No hot food served after 2.30. A coffee & muffin, then shopped. 10 minutes into shopping with Mum the fire alarm went off.... We had to leave the store.. 10 mins later we were allowed back in. The fire alarm went off again, back outside we went... Thumbs up, we returned, completed our shop went to the checkouts. DIY trolley checkout closed completely. The reason the self serve were closed... They had run out of till rolls... What?? Unbelievable!!
What a day.

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