71 F'22 C

I'm having a Slug
Day - moving slowly and just
getting through the day


It was coffee at 6 AM and breakfast after 9. I have no energy for adventure at all. I'm staying home. 

After a midmorning nap I needed to get outside to pull my recycle bin back into my yard. On the walk out there, I looked over the fence to see my neighbour's African tortoise munching on a watermelon rind. I went back inside to get my camera, then came out to get my shots and have a chat with my neighbour. G explained that he had to distract Scout with a bag of spinach so he could get his truck out of the driveway this morning. Scout is over 200 pounds now, so he can't just scoot him out of the way. G says he'll be putting the air conditioner on in Scout's house soon as the weather is warming up.

I sat on the chair by my back door and had a look around. I see there are buds and blossoms on my little lemon tree. The buds appear purple, then suddenly a brilliant white bloom opens up. The orange and pink lantana continues to dazzle, especially in the sunshine. This one is particularly strong and fast-spreading. It's seeded itself around two sides of the wall. 

So, there's my tour of the estate.....I really just want my chair and a blanket today. 

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