74 F/ 23 C

It will be one more
wasted day in paradise...
inside and sleeping


Whatever it is that has me in its grip is now into the second week. I was up before 6 having granola, but back to bed by 8 to sleep most of the morning away. Still coughing, but much less....still over-heated and wanting to sleep....

I sat in my chair by the back door hoping some of my feathered friends might show up for a portrait, but nada! I admired my bougainvillea and reminded myself that I need to pick all the oranges on my tree. I soon gave up waiting and walked down the driveway to check the mailbox. Yes! A parcel from a fabric company has arrived! 

I ordered a 1 pound scrap bundle that has many small cuts of quilting fabric. It is an interesting variety of cottons that I've not seen before. They should make lovely quilted hearts when I can get back to that project. 

The prize in the package is a 60 inch dragon in batik. It is made of a variety of colours on a purple background. We've just begun the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese lunar calendar AND I am a dragon myself. I thought that I could make this the focus of a quilt for myself. I haven't made myself one for many years now.....I have no idea what I will do with it, but it's tantalizing to think about it. 

I'm home for the day looking out at the lovely sunny day.....

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