I went on a Motts coach trip yesterday to Battersea Power Station. It was a lovely sunny day and I sat at the front of the coach next to a lovely chatty lady. First I had a cup of tea at Joe the juice. Then I had an ice cream at Venchi. Inside the BPS are the most fabulous clothes shops. I took a photo of the crystal hanging in  the centre of the top floor ceilings. I also have a photo of children dancing with hoola hoops. And outside I loved these flats with the funny shapes. I also liked the bridge with the bright coloured paint on it. I didn't get home until late because of the traffic in London and all the road works. But I had a lovely day and I've ticked something else off my bucket list. I didn't go on the lift to the top of the building because it was holiday with the children off school so it was full booked. But I still had a great time and I even walked down to Battersea park and sat and watched the wild life. I'm sorry I'm a day late but I was so tired when I got home I thought I'd put the photos on now. I hope you have a fab day everyone.  
1 BPS.
2 Joes The Juice.
3 Venche ice cream polar.
4 Crystal.
5 At play.
6 Flats.
7 Bridge.  


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