The lovely children!

I had a meeting with the physio, occupational therapist and the social worker this morning about mum. They all said that she is doing really well considering she only had the stroke not four weeks ago. We are organizing for mum to come home for the weekend and everyone has to sign off on it. The OT has said that she wants mum supervised when she is having a shower and getting dressed because she still tends to rush things and could fall.

Her walking is really good and she is getting the use back in her right arm. Her main issue at the moment is her ability to find the right word for things. She is still on mildly thick liquids because she coughs as she swallows still and they are worried about liquid getting into her lungs and causing pneumonia. Her facial muscles haven't recovered fully yet so she drools a little bit and just recently her top dentures are falling down as she talks which makes it hard!

They have given a tentative discharge date of July 11th which is two weeks away. I was either going to leave on the 11th or the 15th so I imagine it will be the 15th now. It's my birthday on the 12th and it would have been good to be back home with Kaz for it but we will see what happens.

It's been harder with both kids this time compared to just having Joti at the hospital. Spence needs more to occupy him and I think mum is happy for us to go out for lunch and then leave at about 5 so she has some peace!!

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