They have woken up

These flowers arrived by post a week ago in a flat box that will supposedly go through the letterbox, but the postie rang the bell and handed them over after taking a picture of the box. They were asleep but have woken up beautifully. A welcome present from B for my birthday and Valentines Day.

We were due to see the plumber at 9am to service the boiler and heating system, but like most of these visits it was lunchtime before he rocked up. 

I had a list of jobs to do and focused on the outdoor ones as it was a beautiful day, got loads done including pruning some bushes in the front garden.

The window cleaner arrived, a first since before Christmas as his van had given up the ghost and he has bought a new one. I love the way he has everything on board; tank of water, mop on a long pole, etc, etc. No ladder these days. 

A coffee in the afternoon with my neighbour, she is a Primary school teacher, so as it’s half term this week it’s time to catch up on all the news. 

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