Friday frolics

Nothing special - Terry had his blood test then we went shopping and I've done a few small jobs in the house.
Current reading material. It won't last long - I'm already almost half way through.
Been looking at alternatives to the train for the event I'm going to with my daughter on March 1st - since the trains are due to be on strike that day. We are booked to go to an acoustic neuroma / vestibular schwannoma patient information day being held in Manchester. Karen was invited by the Neurosurgery Department, Skull Base Team at Salford Royal Hospital as she has one of these tumours and at present is being monitored by the Skull Base Team, with regular MRIs. She was invited to attend and can take someone with her so I'm going. It runs from 12 noon to 5pm at The Edwardian in the Free Trade Hall. I had planned to journey by train but now it's difficult. I don't want to drive into Manchester because leaving at 5pm to come back to St Helens will be a nightmare! I'm now looking at driving to the Leigh Park and Ride to catch the V1 bus from there to Manchester. 
I don't want to spend ages travelling as Terry will only be 10 days post hip replacement and I don't like driving in the dark - but that now seems unavoidable! 
I'm totally fed up (understatement) with all these strikes and I've probably used most of my swear words about them.

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