Cut down

We've had to cut the big, white rhododendron down. I have had this since 1995 or 1996 and it was lovely. I brought it here from my previous home and it was in a pot till I could plant it out. It has been ailing on and off for a number of years but I've done what I could to save it. 
I hacked it back to rid it of the flat, white bugs that were all over the underside of the leaves (and causing a black substance to cover the ground below the bush) - hacked it back hard, getting rid of all the foliage and smaller branches, making sure there were no sings of any of the bugs left on it. 
It worked for a few years but then it was getting bad again so I hacked it back even harder and it's been great for quite a few years but last year it didn't flower as well as it usually does, which should have made me check for the same bugs but I didn't - I put it down to weather. Recently I noticed the black stuff on the ground again so had a look and it was worse than ever. It's a shame as I've had it a long time but it had to go. I've no idea how I will get the rest of it out of the ground and Terry can't do it because of his hip! Anyway, that's something to worry about some time in the future.
I will have to check the other rhododendrons and azaleas, in case some of the bugs have transferred over.
I used to know the name of these bugs but I've forgotten! They don't really look like insects - they are very flat. The black stuff that covers the ground (and patio where the bush was overhanging) was a nightmare to clean off. Horrible stuff.
Did a bit of weeding in the garden and pots but not a lot as my bones aren't up to a lot at one go. I also shifter two lots of cat poo but the third one has to stay where it is as it's sloppy (yuck). The cats are a nuisance as they poo in the beds, on the lawns and in the middle of some of the shrubs / plants, which kills or damages them and they dig up some of the softer plants as well. Grrrr.
Terry put the settee up on blocks today, ready for when he's had the op op. It feels weird being higher up but it's easier on my knees to stand and sit down!

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