
I have tried to get a pretty sunrise all week. The sunsets have not been spectacular either. This morning I finally found a sky worth photographing. It was awfully cold out there though. I hopped back in bed until others were up. We did a few loads of laundry since we may be out a lot tomorrow. Our company arrived around 11:00 am. I prepared a snack and let my sister and BIL entertain. Hubby was investigating another nearby cemetery. We had a nice visit and reminisced about so many WV friends who are no longer with us. My sister and BIL took a ride around the ridges to get her blip. I gladly stayed inside with Sugar. We are expecting a small snowstorm later tonight into tomorrow. It could change our plans for going to Mass and to a concert tomorrow evening since they do not plow these roads. With our below freezing temps, the packed snow will quickly become ice. It’s time for another weekend. Stay safe but find something enjoyable to do. Thanks for stopping by.
“There’s a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they’re absolutely free. Don’t miss so many of them.” – Jo Walton

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