
By Grammy

We Made It! So Did Brooklyn!

Oh boy, our concert was over a bit after 9:00. It was superb! We headed to Frederick, our stopping point for the night. The fog and rain were terrible, you literally could not see the stripes on the road right in front of you. We took major highways so we could get to our destination in the quickest time. But our slow speed cost us time. We finally laid our head on the hotel pillow around 3:00. Hubby set the alarm for 5:45 so he could shower. I got up at 6:30. We were on the road again at 7:10. We arrived at the basketball game around 10 minutes before it started. The girls started off great. The opposing team was rough; Brooklyn (and other players on her team) were knocked on the floor way too often. They got ahead of us in the middle of the game while Brook was on the bench after a hard fall. The coach put her back in and she got the team excited. Her team came back and won 36-24. I am of course, biased, but Brooklyn’s continual team leadership earned her this award. Towards the end of the game, she even got floor dust in her eye. You can see her squinting in the pic. Of all times for my eye drops not to be handy. She and her family were very appreciative of our early trip home. As I told Brooklyn, I would not have missed being there. My sister and BIL will travel home tomorrow while we have a break in the bad weather. After the award ceremony, we shopped for essentials and I put everything away before going to the recliner. Hubby is still catching up with financial stuff. The wind is picking up. We are expecting gusts of 60 mph this afternoon/evening. So happy to be home. My eyes won’t stay open so I’m ready for a nap. Wishing you a restful day. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by. “Leaders instill in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves. Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals.”-unknown

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