Covid saga

Thank you all for your concern over M. Delighted to report he does seem better today.
I was very interested to read Blipper libeccio (  USA)  comment that the  new anti-viral  drug, paxlovid, is available in the States and is highly effective .

To qualify here you must be deemed at high risk, the NHS website
lists all the conditions. M would have qualified. (Atrial fibrillation).

What it does not say is that you can only get the drug if you are referred by a consultant and to be effective it must be given within five days of Covid diagnosed.
What chances are there of that happening when neither the local Health centre nor pharmacy had ever heard of it?

Also, I heard from several sources, albeit anecdotal, that the real reason Covid is now swept under the carpet is that no way could our overstretched NHS cope.
I was advised by one medical contact that if you wanted to speak to a doctor do not mention Covid when you try to make an appointment. 
You will be told, as M was by the receptionist: “we have made a note of it for your records.” And that is as far as you will get.

PS. Apologies for temporary lack of comments but I am most grateful for all your concern and support.

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