Another poppy shot

I went to see my physio this morning. She was quite pleased and gave me some new (punishing) stretches. She's marvellous value for money and has done wonders for my confidence, even now, nearly two years after the op.

I went on later to meet up with my brother at Branston Water Park
peace and quiet

I managed to blow up my food processor and my mother's old mixer was gathering dust and it seemed sensible for me to give it a go. He'd never been to Branston and was really impressed with the variety of interesting wild flowers and the general calm and layout of the place.

At one point a family let an over exuberant dog off the lead and he piled into the lake scattering the wildfowl (in spite of the fact that there is a Dog Dip area - but clearly he couldn't read)
Scatter !

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