
Horrified that this fella thinks he can freeload from this close to my window when I am that close on the inside..!!  
Extra is from yesterday .. I saw it coming but it didn't see me.. I could have reached out and stroked it but for the bit of glass between us.. Jasper is not impressed!! It seems to scamper from front to back of the house unless there are two which is quite possible.. when J is out back it visits the front and when she is on the windowsill one always appears at the bird table in the garden.. sigh!!.. I guess they didn't store enough of their own nuts last autumn or have forgotten when they buried their stash.. the lawn is pitted with little scrape holes where they're finding their acorns 
Looking forward to a quiet day pottering.. hopefully some work in the garden but my back/leg isn't up to much and I think rain is forecast.. lovely to see so much flower in the garden and buds swelling

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