
By suehutton

A Drift of Snowdrops

Len cooked a delicious, hearty fried breakfast. Time then to go and investigate the snowdrops and crocuses on the corner of the estate at Fairway Road North. They come up so quickly every year.

I can't get down to the ground as I would like but was determined to get something. I took my camera and used my Peak Design tripod on the lowest height setting available. The flowers are so lovely to see. Shame that they get mixed up with crisp packets in the corner by the sub-station (extra).

Even with all these preparations, I'm still not getting front to back sharpness. Perhaps the firmware in the camera and the lens needs updating.

This photo isn't too bad. It has the advantage of a tree branch acting like a JCB (Joe Cornish Boulder).

The ground was muddy but firm enough to walk on. I'm still anxious that either I or my crutch might slip on it. We're anticipating more rain overnight. 

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