Flower Friday ...

... Valentine's Day roses.

Which we have to keep in the closed off office because a certain pussycat who will remain unnamed (Cheddar!) goes crazy for them when they are on the table. 

I brought them out to the sunshine for a little bit to get some photos for Flower Friday.  The good thing is they should last a bit longer as the office is slightly cooler than the rest of the house.  However, we have to go in there to enjoy them!

Thanks to Anni (BikerBear) for keeping Friday's beautiful.  

Speaking of Cheddar ... we had a follow up at the vet office today for his ears.  Unfortunately the ear wash and drops didn't do the trick and he still has a bad ear infection ... worse in the right ear than the left.  We were sent home with a different ear drop and told to use in his ears for the next 10 days.  Sigh ...

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