Silly Saturday ...

... Photobomber!

So ... we finally made vacation plans for our upcoming 40th wedding anniversary.

And guess where we are going!?!

If you guessed the UK ... congrats you are correct!

So any of you fellow blippers that live in the Newcastle Upon Tyne and Northumberland areas beware we are coming!  And would love, love love to get together with as many of you as possible.  As the time gets closer I will let you know our exact dates ... as those aren't officially set yet.

I have even made an event paper chain (not sure the official name for these) to count down to the trip.  And, ironically, Richard found this cute British truck last night at Goodwill.  I think Kiera is trying to stand in our way of going!  She doesn't like it when we aren't home ... especially for vacations.  But we have a wonderful pet sitter that will take extra good care of both her and Cheddar. 

In keeping with Skeena's Mono Month Challenge I've converted most of this image to black & white ... masking out the truck.  

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