
An unimaginative photo of an interesting plant taken yesterday as my phone is away with John and Jim to the AT&T store. That is all I will say about that. I should get at least one of my several cameras fixed, but just haven't gotten it together to do much about it, so am relying almost entirely on my phone. The camera still works, but at this point I'm not really sure what else does.

Another storm has come in predicted to bring with it days of rain, some of them heavy. However there is no wind which makes it just another rainstorm rather than  winds which tend to uproot trees! Spike doesn't like the rain and can only be coerced to go out when absolutely necessary, but it does get pretty boring for him.

John went to the Farmers' Market with Dana and Jim this morning but said that only a few of the vendors were there because of the rain. They stopped by Trader Joe's on the way home and stocked up on prepared frozen meals chosen by Dana.

 Trader Joe's is sort of an American phenomenon, difficult to explain.  It can be found in practically every town of any size in America but the very first store was in my hometown of Pasadena. It is still headquartered in California At that time it was sort of a party store with lots of party snack foods. My uncle (Dad's brother) used to visit us and bring with him a bag full of Trader Joe's snacks, much to my mother's consternation.

I'm not sure what the Trader Joe's business plan is. I think it began with buying overstocked items and selling them, but now it has it's own labels and makes prepared foods that are a lot better than the average supermarket frozen meal fare. It will keep us going well until I am back on my feet again.

We're going to Cindy and Bruce's for drinks soon. We were going to take Spike to play with Hazel, but I'm not sure how kindly they would take to two wet dogs playing (or not) underneath our feet so we'll probably leave him at home. 

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