
I was peeling off layers as we went around Spring Lake this morning in the sunshine....along with a lot of other people and their dogs.  By the time we got to the lake itself the geese hanging out in the swimming lagoon were no longer a threat to Spike's sanity and it was really pleasant. It's been a long time since we have gone to the lake proper, preferring the upper trail to Spike's meadow where he doesn't have to be on the lead. There were signs everywhere of all the recent rain ranging from large puddles to closed trails. I'm sure Spike's meadow is now Spike's Bog, which is why we chose to stick to pavements today. I took this picture from the top of the dam looking over the lake toward the Mayacamas Hills. Careful inspection might reveal a tiny yellow boat in the middle of the lake.

There were dogs of every size and description, small children playing in the puddles or riding their bicycles with their parents. They train them early to ride bikes here and I wish I  had been quick enough with the camera to get a shot of a tiny boy, fully decked out in a helmet and black leather jacket zooming along on a tiny bike next to his father who was similarly kitted out in the adult version.

We came home to find Jim watching a basketball game and waiting to try a final fix for my phone. I told him that I had resigned myself to changing the phone number and starting over because, while Jim himself was patiently working through all the 'fixes', it was one thing too many for me. He said he had one thing left to try worked! My phone now has had all it's functions restored and all are working as they should. It sometimes takes more than a technician to to fix one small device with hundreds of different applications. It takes a genius! My gratitude to Jim (and Dana who was patiently putting up with it all) knows no bounds. There's no way on earth I could have sorted through all the problems and talked to all the service reps without losing it to come up with a solution....

John and Dana both dashed outside to get in a little more work in the garden before the wind came up and the rain came down, which it is now doing in earnest as we batten down the hatches....

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