Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2024 Thursday — Glimpses

This is a collage of several moments of our day. We walked the pups later in the afternoon -- from the house all the way to Ocean Blvd. We're always delighted when Mitzi girl is willing to stroll that far. Today she was quite spunky and as long as Chloe and I stay out in front then Mitzi seems to do well.

At sunset I didn't think we'd see the sun and I was 100% wrong. What a show! I was involved in dinner preparation so I was more than a little distracted. The moment was spectacular.

Our favorite weather reporter from here on the Central Coast is predicting a thoroughly stormy weekend.

From California's Central Coast,
in Cayucos,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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