Blippi helper

Little Blippi has been my helper today.  
Food shopping first thing . Left the rest at home with Mr R. 

I borrowed my neighbours bike stand so I could give my bike a good fix. The local bike shops and halfords have a 4day fixing.  And I don't have the time to wait, especially when I'm still using the bike for nursery drop off and work at least 3 days a week. 

I do need new brake bads but have managed to give them a good clean and fix. The jedi was doing a great job helping me until Harp wanted to get involved and try and help. He ended up crying for around 40 minutes and wouldn't even go in the house to settle.  He just wanted his mumma. So my derailleur isn't completely fixed and I have a click on it. It will need to wait until next weekend before I go at it again.  

We have all just been out and chosen pizzas for family dinner. Lincoln isn't wanting that and he's just wanting something plain.  

It's movie night for me and Mr R tonight 

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