59 today

Happy Birthday Jon. This man never looks any older, confirmed by the many Facebook memories that popped up today. We celebrated with cake, coffee and presents late morning after archery. Daniel, Viki and Mollie joined us, and once coffee and cake had gone down we had dinner. Unusually at lunchtime rather than evening meal time, but really nice that everyone was there, and we braved the not so cold conservatory to eat in a more civilised way, up at the table.

I haven’t given any detail up to now, about my week off, but suffice to say I’m going away on a retreat, and thinking about not blipping, or maybe just blipping a photo each day. Ideally I want to be away from it all. The technology, the social media etc, to focus on myself. So you’ve been warned.

Because the journey is quite a long one for me driving on my own, I’ve broken it up and driven to Karen and Neil’s in Cambridge today. They have kindly put me up. So 2 hours of my journey down, only 3 to go tomorrow.

I hope the rain eases up and the roads have less surface water tomorrow because between home and here, it was really flooded on long stretches and I was glad I’d decided to do the drive in the daylight!

I feel more relaxed already!

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