Happy 60th Birthday Jon
Today we have done a lot of miles, and caught up with some family we didn’t see at the weekend.
We drove to Cambridge first thing, got caught in some road closures on the All then arrived at Gemma’s in Cambourne by 11.30. It was lovely to see Jenny, Gemma and Laura who were not able to join the Gibbs get together on Saturday.
We had tea and cakes, plus caught up on the latest with them all. It was a welcome catch up and we hope to be back soon.
Then we drove to Anglesey Abbey to see the snowdrops. Such a huge display and variety of tall, short, double and single snowdrops. I think I could easily become a snow drop addict! I made a note of one I am going to search for.
We then drove the 2 hours home to Cromer where we met up with these 3 lovely people in the pub. There we had a beer, and Jon opened presents the kids had bought him.
Fish and chips and then back to Mollie’s as it was warm where we ate it, cosy squished up in her tiny room together! She had made a lovely cake so we had candles, sparklers and yummy cherry and almond cake - Jon’s favourite.
You are only 60 once. It has been a memorable day.
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