
Today's weather was set fair so a drive into the Lakes was the order of the day for me.  I was awake early and somehow managed to get out before 8.00 am.  Parked just before 8.45, and walked towards Penny Rock and then around Grasmere.  Although it was dry the light wasn't great.  I came across these lovely Herdwicks in a field near the village.  There very kindly came over to me and then I realised that the farmer was standing behind me with the morning feed!

Coffee at Mathilde's (see extra) (I was so early I was the first person there), and then walked around the north side of the lake back to the car.  Lovely.  Haven't been into the Lakes for a while so it was doubly special.

Home by about 1100 and I had made and eaten lunch by 1200.  One of those days!

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