Indecent Exposure

By Mahf00d

Distances in maps are longer than they appear

Went to London for some shopping for stuff my mom asked for. Some of it was from Shepherd's Bush Market and some from Harrods, complete polar opposites as far as shopping destinations go, but my mom is a bit weird like that.

It dragged on a bit as I managed to get myself "lost" (by lost, I mean setting camera to B&W and walking to random locations and not keeping track of where I was heading).

Got home around 10pm, and headed almost straight to Hava's birthday-ish/house paty. Such a good night! Glad I didn't miss it using my usual "tired" excuse. Who the hell needs rest!


Kind of hoped I would keep my portraits streak from last Thursday, but not taking my camera to the party meant there weren't any. I could obviously make the excuse that this shot has people in it, but that would be pushing it.

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