
By stujphoto

Lily Pond

This afternoon we visited some long-standing friends who are both artists who live in an old converted farm building tucked away in the Borders. They did the conversion wholly themselves and made a marvellous job of it. It was great to see them after quite a long interval. They are currently having an exhibition of their work and that of a number of friends and fellow artists in their house and it was great to see art work in a domestic setting.

They are also great gardeners and as well as being largely self-sufficient ( the family are all vegetarians ) they have an absolutely lovely flower garden that is nicely contained in the L-shape of their house and studio. I took loads of photos and have included a few extras in my portfolio. Helen & Paul's Garden

I chose this as my blip as not many of us have a lovely lily pond in our gardens. I always find with pictures of water lilies I never know quite where to crop them as you are inevitably going to cut into some of the lily pads.

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