Love Birds
While going back and forth bringing in groceries and birdseed from the car I noticed these two mourning doves in a tree across the road. I told myself if they were still hanging out together when I finished I would take their picture • Between preening sessions they looked around a lot, then looked at each other as if conversing like two old friends on a park bench. What could they possibly be talking about, I wondered • Rude squirrels? Chatty crows? Overzealous starlings? Perky chickadees or those snooty cardinals? Well, the possibilities are endless! • Zooming in a little closer I realized they were telling each other bird jokes!! Yes, I’m an official beak-reader. Here’s a sampling:
1/ What do you call birds that stick together? Velcrows
2/ What do they call a bird that’s always out of breath? A Puffin
3/ Why do owls always get invited to parties? They’re a hoot
4/ What is a bird’s dream job? Flight Attendant
Thank You, Ponly :)
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