A Loooong Day!

The day started at 4 o'clock this morning as we got up to take the visitors to the airport in time for that horribly early flight to Stockholm. There was also the servicing of the car later in the day, then dinner with Rose, then FilmStudio, and now, finally we are home and headed to our bed!
While the car was being serviced we had a replacement car from the workshop and took a trip into the countryside and forest around Kramfors. It's a bit wilder than the area around where we live and the photograph is of Night Lake Beck, a small river running from Night Lake to Lake Village Lake. Strange names I know.
(Nattsjön, Nattsjöån, Sjöbysjön in Swedish.)
The film at FilmStudio was a Swedish film "Paradiset brinner"; here is an English review from BFI. After the film we had something of a debate about the film. We all agreed it was strange (!) but how happy, wild, depressing, threatening the film is it. Naturally the review I chose agreed with my more optimistic view. As usual with these films we see at Film Studio it definitely deserves a recommendation!

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