I got  e mails this afternoon  regarding delivery of some parcels I was expecting.  Three from Amazon would be delivered to my house... and left in my safe place. I had to collect two from Tesco in the village and one was in a locker at WH Smith in the Metrocentre.

First of all I went to the Metrocentre. I bought a couple of items in M & S and then got my parcel. 

Took my wide shot in the Metrocentre.  The theme  for Wide Wednesday is " Wide Load " but I couldn't think of anything to blip that fitted.   These painted panels have various words on them including some Geordie expressions  - " Howay Man ", " Alreet "  and " Take It Easy Pet" . ( The panels are painted in bright colours but I've blipped in mono for the  Mono Month Challenge).  Thanks to AnderewNZ for hosting Wide Wednesday..

Then I got a bus back to the village and popped into Tesco for the other two parcels.  Got some grapes and mango while I was there.  Then I walked home. It was a dry evening but a bit chilly.

On the way I met a lady I see quite often walking different dogs.  Her job is a dog walker and she also does dog obedience classes in the Church Hall . Tonight she was walking her Mam's dog - a very friendly elderly labrador called Mary.  This lady is also one of the volunteers who keeps the park looking tidy....... and  thats a losing battle.  She was telling me about the last time she was in the park and there were numerous teenagers on mopeds riding around very fast over the grass and churning it up.  She reported it to the police via 101 but of course by the time any police turned up ( if they did ) the mischief makers would have been long gone.

When I got home I found my Amazon parcels had been delivered as promised so I'm up to date with deliveries ... for now.  I was tracking an Evri delivery a couple of days ago and it was almost here ... and then it got returned to the sender.  Apparently the parcel got badly damaged so had to be returned.  I got a refund ... but then I had to order everything again and it was 20 different items.  What a faff.

I was due to go to my brother and sister in laws this evening but my sister in law is suffering from a gastric bug and is in bed quite poorly so we will rearrange when she's feeling better.

Re the mystery object from yesterday ... quite a few of you were on the right track saying it was a hanger.  Its actually a connector hook/hanger to attach one coat hanger to another to save space.  Ive added an Extra so you can see how it works.  I use them on all the coat hangers in my wardrobe and on a clothes rail in the spare room.  Very useful.

Steps today - 7,241

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