Paradise ducks …..

….. ….. ….. en masse.
I wish I could show you them all flying in to the tarn and landing; it was quite a sight. Maybe it’s Mum & Dad & the kids!
Missy & I were walking along the track that leads to the local golf course, and then around a loop and back home. Another beautiful day. It wasn’t as chilly this morning but there’s definitely a feel of autumn in the air. It seems to be early, but the trees are colouring up.

The photos I’ve been having printed in Christchurch all arrived today, ready for our Village Art Exhibition on 2nd March. I’m really pleased with them and am looking forward to seeing them hanging. I’ll see if I can Blip them hanging.

It’s been a quieter sort of day and it’s been feeling as though I’m catching up after yesterday’s effort!

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