Panorama …..

….. ….. ….. of Lake Hayes. Still and serene, it looked so beautiful. I hope you’re able to view it as a landscape as it’s a better size that way.

We met many walkers doing the Te Araroa Trail. They were all from overseas, and loving their time in New Zealand. They said that Kiwi walkers mostly walk sections, rather doing the whole trail from Cape Reinga down to Bluff. What a beautiful day for these international walkers to be walking along Lake Hayes.

Three of us had a music practice late afternoon, all of us struggling with the afternoon traffic build-up. I gave S. a lift back home which meant I needed to cut back across two lanes of traffic plus another lot centred in the road waiting to turn into the side road where I was waiting. I decided to go back the other way and re-route at a roundabout. I’m very thankful I did as the car that had been waiting ahead of me tried to get across the traffic and ended up smashed straight into a tree on the other side. I could see the poor driver on the ground being assisted by others.
It’s a mean turn-off and there’s often a buildup of traffic trying to turn.
There’s too much traffic in the Queenstown area now for the roads and any new planned roading is years away.

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