
Through the catflap photography - an occasional series!

When Charlie was in the garden in the pouring rain this morning, I poked the camera through the cat flap which kept me and the camera dry!  She didn't realise at first until I called her :)

This was later - see extras for earlier pics!

Thank you for all your kind comments yesterday - Shutterup suggested that I covered the crocuses using a pot/peg.  I did that and it definitely protected them from the bin men's endeavours!

A lousy night's sleep - I was so tired I went to bed at 8pm - but that didn't do me any favours, as I was wide awake in the early hours and as a result woke late :(

So I'm having a fairly easy day, as I've got no more interviews going forward at the moment....  I've still got to apply for jobs though...its so hard this!  Was tempted to have a trip out today, but with the weather warnings decided better not to.

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