Trio of Crocuses

which survived the stormy weather and the bin men's onslaught all thanks to an upside down plant pot held down by a stick :)

For Flower Friday with thanks to Anni (BikerBear) :)

And its 2 years since we held my Mum's funeral - its been a bit of a tough day :(

Coffee at church and then lunch.  

After lunch I popped into town which was surprisingly busy.  I bought food for the week at Lidle and Iceland, cheaper  than Sainsburys!

Then I came home, and changed the litter trays - in the process of which - in a new bag of cat litter - a lump of concrete????   I will be taking the bag concerned back to Sainsburys to show them....its not on - a lump of concrete - quite a big one - inside a sealed bag of woodchip cat litter!  Normally you just open a small flap and the litter comes out - today I had to rip it open down the side of the bag....

Then I've been looking for work and filling out an online application form - including completion of photograph of passport and 'biometric' photography (I absolutely hate this part, its so flipping complicated for me, with shaky hands at the best of times..)

PHEW!  Its the weekend at last, looking to have a relaxing one at home :)

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