Little and large

It's nothing new to look out of the window at breakfast time and see the rain. It was rather odd to see it change to hail and then a few minutes later to watch the snowflakes gently falling! 

More indoor stuff, though I really need to get out and rake leaves! I've been trying to go through the piles of books which won't fit into the many bookcases here. The difficulty at the moment is that none of Oban's charity shops are taking donations just now, least of all books. There seems to be a lack of interest currently in buying books. I'll take some to the next Bookends day at Benderloch, but I was told when last there that the incomings far exceed outgoings!

It's fun going through books, seeing those that I'd forgotten I had. Most books are of a reasonable size and will fit in the shelves, but some, as in my Blip, are far too big. Others are tiny and really need miniature bookshelves! I love these tiny books - the top left of the miniatures is 'The Song of Hiawatha', a gift to my Great-aunt Emily in 1921, and at top right is 'Evangeline', another gift to her in 1929. Both are poems by Longfellow.

Now I must dress up and go leaf-raking.

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