The Black Lynn

Same again - dull, wet and 'orrible! Another indoor morning, sorting books and other stuff.

We had a Keep Oban Beautiful committee meeting at lunchtime today in the Bridge Café. I intended to walk down, but it had begun to rain so I drove. Our main topic of conversation was about the Black Lynn, the burn which runs through Oban - one of our number wants to dig away the edges at one point to try to stop the flooding. I wasn't happy with this as it's not our property and I don't think it would make much difference either. We agreed to do a major rubbish clearance on our Spring Clean weekend as a starter anyway.

One of the difficulties is that the Lynn banks are overgrown with Japanese Knotweed - see Blip - and I didn't want to get involved with that. No point in attracting unwanted criticism!

Just after getting home there was a short, sharp hailstorm which quickly covered the ground - see extra - so I was glad I wasn't walking!

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