The shepherds .....

.... were not delighted!

There was a deep red strip of colour across the sky last evening ...... a beautiful sunset .... spotted it just as we were leaving to go shopping!

Instead of the lovely day .... as in the saying "red sky at night shepherd's delight ...." we have had torrential rain all day! There are huge puddles everywhere .... not impressed!

Thank goodness it's Abstract Thursday though I found this week's theme of "Minimalist" a difficult challenge!

Not sure quite how minimalist this image is but it's all I've come up with. At least I didn't have to go out & get wet for a blip! :-)

Thanks Ingeborg for hosting :-)

Now got to do a restart to update Windows .... so much excitement I can barely contain myself!

Stay safe everyone :-)

Extra - added tonight's sunset .... a consolation for the rotten weather we've had all day! Not the deep red we had last night but a lovely orange glow :-)

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