Views of my world

By rosamund


I was lucky to catch a quick shot of the unset this evening, I liked how it looked like an impressionist painting through the clouds.

Finished work today, yippee! Made it home by 3 and after some perfunctory chores got on with my weaving. I finished it later in and I LOVE it! It's the heaviest piece so far as its made with chunky art yarn which had some unusual materials in it, like translucent cellophane, it looks awesome. I've been saving all the pieces thinking I might sell them or display them at some point but this one is going to be hard to resist. They all have names, the grey one was 'Dreich', the orange one was 'Glow' and this one is 'Beacon'. They're each inspired by one of my sunrise photos, the next piece will be blue and will be called 'Reflections' to echo last weeks blip. Might need to add some silver thread or sequins or beads to get the desired effect, I'm having so much fun playing and it ill be great to buy materials at Woolfest, I might hold off the next warp actually until I get back, I've got some spinning I can do instead, or maybe a quick brown piece I've been thinking about, the possibilities are endless now that I have time to play!

The children were both exhausted, they tried to stay up late since its the holidays but they both crashed out.

Long lie tomorrow :D

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