Down but not quite yet out……

I took myself off for a circular walk this morning but decided half way round that it might be prudent to stop and have a coffee, after I messaged Stephen to say where I was. My back had just begun to make itself felt, so I had a welcome sit down and a cappuccino at the local Mitchell’s Farmhouse Bistro located in the Craft centre complex.
I can assure you that the other surrounding buildings are kept in excellent condition,
It has always been something of a mystery why these old stables are falling into a state of disrepair over the years. They are located in the courtyard with its lovely cobbled area and other surrounding buildings which are in perfectly good condition.
Maybe it’s a question of ownership? Who knows.
I’m pleased I went out early after all the bedding had been washed first thing and hung outside.Stephen came with the car to pick me up.
Not long after we were back home it began to rain, but most of the washing was damp dry, So it’s now draped over radiators.
There was a heavy frost last night,
A group of what I call serious cyclists, all clad like members of the Tour de France, had also called in at the Bistro for bacon baps and drinks. I knew one of them and he said they hadn’t been able to use their usual routes in our surrounding wider areas as a lot of them were impassable.
So they had just been cycling around the Sutton Coldfield area.
As I’m writing this it has just begun to rain in earnest and the radiators have come on. It is quite chilly today with a chance of hail, apparently.

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