Wet wet wet and more wet! 6:52 am.

When I woke it was to the sound of the rain hammering down outside.
I took the photo.
We are going out to meet up with an old colleague of Stephen’s this morning.
After lunch it will be a visit to see Bobbie in her Dementia Care home.
, which is about a 35 minute drive.
When we went last time we had to make a detour as there was flooding underneath a bridge over the road. I have a feeling it will be the same today.There are already weather warnings out about it.
I’m thankful we live on higher ground.
In the meantime chaos rained in our Parliament yesterday. Unprecedented scenes. I won’t enter into a discussion about it, we all have our views, it just demonstrated how emotive and polarising the situation in Gaza has become politically.
I will comment on Prince William’s remarks about Gaza and Israel, only to say there is a letter in the Times today and I quote , “If the role models in our country cannot express a humanitarian and urgent concern, who can? The prince takes no sides but a natural concern for the lives of innocent people, many of them children…..”

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