Cave dwellers

Not a bad day today - no rain, no wind, no snow, no hail, November. Not the last bit - that's just a Thomas Hood poem!

Went downtown as usual on a Saturday morning to buy fresh fish from the pier, then to the supermarket for a few odds and ends.

This afternoon there was to be a talk at the Corran Halls on "The people of the Oban Caves: an archaeological detective story", arranged by the Lorn Archaeological  and Historical Society'. It sounded good, so we decided to walk down - a 15 minute walk. The first half, by an archaeologist, was very good - the story of the discovery and retrieval of human remains and artifacts from the Mesolithic period from the many caves along the cliffs of Oban Bay. The second half, the details of all the bones and DNA by an osteologist, was less exciting for me - far too technical! The talk was obviously popular - there were over 100 people there including many familiar faces. It was rather ironic that on the first sunny afternoon for quite a while we were sitting at the back next to an uncurtained window being roasted!

I wonder if I'd enjoy membership? I'm not sure. Had a good chat with a cat on the way home - see extra!

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