...to wake up this morning and NOT to hear the sound of rain pattering on the bedroom window!  I opened the curtains and although the sunrise was beautiful, I had an appointment at 8 o’clock so didn’t have time to take photographs.

I got back home at 9.30 but then had to get ready to go out and meet a friend for coffee and was with her for sometime, and had a most enjoyable morning and when I arrived home just after 1 o’clock, Mr. HCB was ready for us to go out shopping.  

On our way over to Aldi, our usual supermarket at Royal Wootton Bassett, I saw these beautiful clouds in the sky and as there was nothing coming towards me, snapped them through the car window - of course, it was quite clean because we have had so much rain to wash it off, and I was quite pleased with the shot.  Not only that, there was some blue sky, the like of which we haven’t seen for a while!

We chatted with a lovely lady behind us in the queue, and the young lady who served us had a beautiful smile, so of course, I gave them both a heart.  As I have said, of themselves, they are nothing, but I always say when I give them that they are to bless those who receive them - and no-one has ever refused one!

Shopping finished, we arrived home eventually at 3.30 p.m. and I must admit, I was quite tired, but then there was a meal to cook, but not before I had had a lovely chat with our Blip friend, Amanda T.  We enjoyed our stirfry and chicken and although it has been quite an ordinary day in many ways - it has been very enjoyable.

So, let’s embrace the small things in life that bring us joy - a warm home - a beautiful blue sky - large fluffy clouds - a clear road - a beautiful smile - lovely interactions with those also doing their shopping - and so many more.  

Be blessed, dear friends - and have a great weekend.  M xx 

“My mission in life 
     is not merely to survive, 
          but to thrive; 
and to do so with some passion, 
     some compassion,
          some humour, 
and some style.” 
Maya Angelou

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