Hello Lovely Blippers,

We were delighted when Mrs. HCB arrived home from the Community Fridge on Thursday, to see that she brought with her a new recruit to our Silly Saturday Gang - Oreo - sent to us by A, a young friend of Mrs. HCB.

Of course, we welcomed him with open arms, and Lauren, one of the young ladies at Leightons, who reads Mrs. HCB’s blips, saw Oreo and told her that he is a Border Collie, which just happens to be Lauren’s favourite breed.  Apparently, her Nanna (Nanny Collie) was a shepherdess who used to work them and bred them on her farm and when Lauren got her puppy, Desmo, she had to send Nanna Collie monthly photos and letters on his progress as he grew up.  So glad we know what breed Oreo is and we are sure he will fit in very well with our Gang and we hope one day he will meet Desmo.  

We think that dear Admirer would be pleased that we have yet another new recruit and we also think that her little granddaughter, whom she never got to meet, would love Oreo too.

We decided it might be a good idea to ease Oreo in gently to life in the HCBs’ house, so we took him on a conducted tour and showed him the garden - but it was a bit too wet to play outside but hopefully we can go out there soon.  However, we were delighted to hear that the HCBs were planning to visit a family from their Church because having three boys, we knew there would be lots of different things to play with - at least, we hoped there would be.

We weren’t wrong!  There were so many things, we didn’t get to play with them all, but you can see a good selection in the Blip today.  There were skittles, cars, a big truck and even a digger - you can see that Oreo was having a great time.

Of course, and as you all well know, Mrs. HCB had to do some rearranging.  She saw the lovely  plaque on a nearby shelf that says: “IN THIS HOUSE...” and asked if she could move it to be in the photograph, so you can all see it.  We were also thrilled to see the big map of the world up on the wall behind and you can see Australia very clearly - so we remembered dear Kevin the Koala and all the others who are over there at the moment, having a good holiday.  

We hope you’ve all had a good week and that you have remembered to be kind - because it’s the best way to live - and as Mrs.  HCB always says, you never know what someone else is going through, so if you are kind, it will help them tremendously and then they can help someone else.

There is also an extra collate of another quote hanging on the radiator in the kitchen and a cushion from this lovely family’s house - you know how much Mrs. HCB loves her quotes so she had a field day today!

We did enjoy our time with this family and were a bit upset when we had to leave, but hope we will see them all again one day soon.

Love to you all from The Silly Saturday Gang xxx

P.S.  Mrs. HCB met some new neighbours and welcomed them when they arrived home - and you will never guess what she gave them?? !!

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