77 F / 25 C

It was a morning
with the ducks at the Garden.
So entertaining!


I was having my coffee at 7 AM and just coasting into the day. Our painting group had announced we'd meet at the Conservation Garden in the corner of the fairgrounds at 10 AM. I left the house at 9:30 to be there on time. 

We were a small group today, just 4 in number. As before, we set up alongside the pond on the southside of the property. 

Once the ducks reasoned that we were not there to feed them, they largely ignored us. They went about their ducky business and were very amusing to watch. I spotted several turtles in the pond that I hadn't noticed previously. They navigated like submarines by putting their heads out of the water, then disappearing entirely to reappear in another location. 

Fighter jets were practicing take-offs and landings from the military base across the street. Their noise is deafening when directly overhead. 

The day started with clouds but they soon moved on. I found myself melting in my sweatshirt as the day heated up. 

At noon we were on our way home. I'm in for the day with a chance of a nap this afternoon. 

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