
By carliewired

80 F/ 27 C

I was slow getting
out the door so the sunrise
got ahead of me!


I should have set my alarm. I want to be at the grocery store before the crowds so arriving at 7 is pushing it. The light on the horizon looked very promising this morning. It's a lovely day coming on. 

I zipped along the grocery aisles with my short list. By the time I was going out the door to my car, the sun was already over the peaks. I drove home with one hand under the visor to shield my eyes so I could see the road. 

I need to drive back to Wellton this afternoon. I got a call to say I'd won a prize at Pioneer Day yesterday. I will get to enjoy that drive one more time. 

It should be a quiet day in the neighbourhood. No sign of a yard sale today. 

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